Rockin' Rockets
Included Materials
2 Straws
1 paper rocket template
2 Pre-cut pipettes
1 cardstock rocket template
1 Pack of Crayons

8 glue dots
Start Here
Color in both your rocket templates with the crayons.
Attach a pre-cut pipette to the back of each of the rocket templates using glue dots. Make sure to line up the open edge of the pipette with the bottom of the rocket.
Launch! Insert a straw into the pipette attached to the rocket template. Blow into the straw to launch your rocket!
Is there a difference between how your two rockets fly? Which one goes farther?

Blow into straw here

Troubleshooting Tips
Pipette falling off? Use more glue dots or tape to secure the pipette to the rocket template.
Rocket not launching? Make sure you are blowing hard enough into the straw!
How it works
Make your helicopter
The air you blow into the straw travels to the end of the pipette and pushes its way out, taking the rocket with it as it moves. The harder you blow into the straw, the more energy the air has and the further your rocket will fly!
Drag is the force of air that pushes against your flying rocket. Gravity is a force that pulls all objects towards the center of the earth. Earth’s gravity is what keeps you on the ground and what causes your rocket to fall! The heavier (cardstock) rocket doesn’t fly as far because the lighter your rocket is and the less drag it has, the farther it will go!
Try launching your rocket at different angles. At which angle does your rocket go the farthest?
Find a friend and see who can launch their rocket farther!
Have a friend hold an open Kits 2 Kids bag a few feet away from you. Can you launch your rocket into the bag?