Music Mania
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Included Materials
1 Mason Jar LId
4 STickers
4 small rubber bands
1 Adhesive Craft Stick
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Make a guitar!
Attach the sticky end of the craft stick to the flat side of the mason jar lid.
Stretch 3 rubber bands around the mason jar lid.
Place stickers on the back and sides of the mason jar lid over the rubber bands to keep them in place.
Pluck the rubber bands to play your guitar!
How it works
Make your helicopter
Just like a real guitar, when plucked, each string vibrates. The air inside the mason jar lid amplifies the sound and creates music. The shorter rubber bands produce a higher pitch because the vibrating section of the rubber band is able to vibrate faster.
Try adding another rubber band to your guitar!
Decorate your guitar with markers and stickers!
Included Materials
2 Small Rubber Bands
1 Large Rubber Band
2 Craft Sticks
2 Straws
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Make a Harmonica!
Stretch the large rubber band around one of the craft sticks length wise.
Lay a straw beneath the rubber band but above the craft stick on each end of the craft stick.
Lay another craft stick directly on top of the bottom craft stick and over the rubber band and straws.
Wrap a small rubber on each end of the popsicle stick 3 times.
Hold each end of your harmonica tightly and blow. Your harmonica should make music!
How it works
Make your helicopter
When you blow into your harmonica, you make the large rubber band vibrate, and that vibration produces a sound. A long rubber band will vibrate slowly and produce low-pitched sounds; a shorter rubber band will vibrate quickly and produce a high-pitched sound. When you move the straws closer together, you shorten the part of the rubber band that can vibrate, so the pitch gets higher..
Change the pitch of your harmonica by sliding the straws closer together or farther apart. You can also make different sounds by blowing harder or softer!